
sifting for Gold

Now is the time to identify the themes that we are going to run with gentlemen.
Having read through the previous posts again we have certain directions that we could pursue I believe:
GG specified 2 elements for the days construction;
a clear and inclusive definition of the practice/discipline/art of Illustration and a foray in to the potential futures of the subject.
RM talks about over saturation and greater authorial control/possibility as a result of the development of new technologies.
DC talked about the relationship between one description of a capitalist economic model and the necessity for novelty and newness within that model AND the role of illustration therein.
It is apparent that our thoughts are wide ranging and there is substantial subject knowledge that can be drawn upon - however I think that to make the event happen effectively we need to pursue one direction [not the boy band] or question from the outset. I think that the idea of trying to define the practice has legs and can be approached through the various filters that we have proposed here [technology/philosophy/commerce etc].